
Digital radio listenership also continues to grow.

This is the second industry award for ‘Word Count Matters’, which was created in collaboration with Colourtext.

AudioLab tracks impressions and listen-through rate on digital audio platforms, both streaming and podcast, in real time.

Audiotrack’s Chontal Angus explains how digital audio can learn from video to address its measurement problem.

Advertisers want long-term partnerships and are concerned about the ‘missing middle’, but are broadcasters strong enough to face down Big Tech, asks the editor.

Should advertisers now treat radio as more than being a ‘cheap and cheerful’ media channel?

Industry body for commercial radio will reveal the summer opportunities awaiting advertisers at The Future of Audio on 24 June as the themes and first wave of speakers from the conference are announced. The themes and first wave of speakers for The Future of Audio – the thought leadership event for the audio advertising industry… Continue reading Radiocentre to unveil post-lockdown summer ad opportunities at The Future of Audio

Formally starting his new position as CEO on 1 May, Regensburger will replace Simon Cox, the CEO of Peach since 2006.

Bauer Media has launched a further seven radio stations, bringing its total number of launches for the year up to 10.

Bauer Media is relaunching its digital audio ad platform, Bauer InStream, so it can exclusively sell its network of brands to advertisers in a “safe and sound” context.
Testimonial goes here "Sending out copy to multiple stations and hubs through Audiotrack is quick and very efficient as everything I need is all in one place – making it a much simpler process"
- General
- Can I have a J-ET login?
To enquire about a J-ET login, please consult your J-ET supervisor.
- How does the new copy process benefit my station and advertisers?Using this process will help your client ads to go out correctly and can reduce your copy queries significantly. Copy instructions will be in a standard PDF format, with clear details referring to individual stations rather than groups and combos.
- Can I have a J-ET login?
- CI Form
- Can I see which other stations are airing this copy?
Copy Instructions only include details that refer to your own/represented stations. You cannot see details for stations that do not belong to your salespoints portfolio.
- How do I amend the dates of a Copy Instruction?You would need to verify any date changes with the agency that created the campaign.
- How do I pick up my audio?
Simply log on to the dedicated interface to download your audio
- The creative agency has sent the Copy instruction email to me but my email has crashed and it hasn’t arrived. How do I let them know that I’ve received it?
Don't worry, you can still acknowledge receipt of the CI via the Copy Status report. Simply log in and click on the copy instruction icon there. It will open up the PDF of the instruction itself and automatically acknowledge receipt at the same time
- What do I do when I receive the Copy Instruction email?Click on the link in the email to confirm reciept. If the attached PDF states the audio has been delivered to stations then log in to the Delivery Point interface and download the audio.
- What do the green ‘i’ symbols mean on the CI form?
The green symbols signify that an amendment has taken place between the current and previous CI versions. Further details are summarised at the end of the form.
- What happens if I’ve acknowledged receipt of a copy instruction email and then an amendment is sent to me by the creative? Do I have to acknowledge receipt again?Yes, you do as you were acknowledging receipt for an earlier version. You need to confirm that you've accessed the latest version.
- What if the copy instructions that I have received include an alert to say that I have a copy length discrepancy?Ultimately this means the expected Copy length worked on by the creative agency does not match the current booked length in the order in J-ET. This will need rectifying to avoid issues when the campaign goes to air. The easiest way is to use the status report to identify the buying or creative agency contacts that you could to clarify this with.
- Which JCN will I see if Newslink is on the campaign?
Any salespoints airing the Newslink ads will see both the 'real' JCNs (beginning with '2') and the 'dummy' JCNs (JCNs beginning with '5') clearly indicating which needs to be used.
- Why do I need to confirm receipt of the Copy Instruction email?
The process is designed to make the admin process more efficient, which includes a campaign audit trail. Confirming receipt of the CI (copy instructions)helps to build the audit trail.
- Why do I sometimes see an amendment CI but the details only say ‘Information only’?You might see this kind of CI if an amendment has been made to that campaign, but that amendment does not affect any of the stations that you represent.
- Will the Copy Instructions display a JCN?Yes, all electronic and PDF CI documents include a JCN.
- Can I see which other stations are airing this copy?
- Status Report
- Are all CIs archived?
Yes. These can all be accessed via the copy status or summary reports in J-ET.
- How do I know whether the agency has started the process by sending the campaign details to the creative agency?
The copy status screen clearly indicates where your campaign is in the copy process. Receipt of the sent campaign details are recorded here.
- Is there a quick way to find campaigns with a particular status?Yes, the copy status report includes filters which enable you to control the campaigns reported on screen. If you do not have access to J-ET, your salespoint rep can check this for you.
- What do all the symbols mean?
The copy instruction and audio status traffic lights inform you whether you or another party need to do anything to progress the copy process for your campaign. Hovering over a symbol provides a tooltip with more information.
- What does the yellow exclamation mark mean?This alerts you that the copy process is waiting for an action with the buying agency or creative agency.
- What if I have received copy instructions but no copy?The copy status screen lists contacts details for the buying agency as well as the creative agency. The CI form details which method is being used to distribute the copy. This will help you chase the correct contacts and reduce the time spent on queries. If you do not have access to J-ET, your salespoint rep can check this for you.
- Where do I see the Copy Instructions in J-ET?You can view CIs that exist via the copy status report or via the order summary report in J-ET.
- Why can’t I access the copy instruction link in the copy status report?
The greyed out icon simply means that a copy instruction did exist but is no longer relevant for you
- Are all CIs archived?
- General
- Can I have a J-ET login?
To enquire about a J-ET login, please consult your J-ET supervisor.
- Do I need to continue with my current copy process for stations that are not traded through J-ET?
No. The functionality allows you to add Non-JET stations or digital channels to the recipient list for Copy Instructions. You can do this at the point of creating your campaign or at the point of sending the campaign details to creative.
- How does the process benefit my agency and clients?Using this process will help your client ads to go out correctly and can reduce your copy queries significantly. PO numbers can be added and retained throughout the buying, transmitting and invoicing process which also reduces accounts queries.
- Can I have a J-ET login?
- CI Form
- Are all CIs archived?Yes. These can all be accessed via the copy status or summary reports in J-ET.
- Do I need to confirm linear station and digital channel lists for the creative/production agency?
Linear station lists are based upon the campaign orders in J-ET. As long as these are correct, your linear station list will be correct. Digital channels can be added at the point of creating your campaign, via the ‘add non-J-ET’ feature.
- Do I need to continue with my current copy process for stations that are not traded through J-ET?No. The functionality allows you to add Non-JET stations or digital channels to the recipient list for Copy Instructions. You can do this at the point of creating your campaign or at the point of sending the campaign details to creative.
- Will the copy instructions display a JCN?
Yes. All CIs (copy instructions) include a JCN.
- General
- Are costs sent to the creative agency when I send the campaign details to them?No, only campaign header info and station lists are sent over to the creative agency. This includes: The campaign title, client/brand, campaign dates, your agency, your name and a station list.
- Can duplicate creative contacts exist?No, the J-ET team is made aware of all new contacts added and will ensure no duplicates exist.
- Can I add a new contact to an agency that already has a contact in the system?
Yes the system will allow you to add new contacts regardless of whether another one exists for that agency already.
- Can I send a campaign to the creative agency if my colleague created the campaign?
Yes. As long as the campaign was created by your agency and team and hasn't been locked for editing by the creator, you will be able to send it to a creative agency.
- Can I send campaign details to the creative/production before the orders are sent from salespoints?Yes. Once you have selected and saved the campaign, go to ‘Manage/Send Campaign to Creative’, add your creative contacts and send
- Can I send the campaign details to more than one contact at a time?Yes. Once your campaign has been saved to the basket, go to 'Send Campaign to Creative', then add or select as many contacts as you wish.
- Can I send to digital delivery points alongside linear radio?
Yes, this can also be done during the campaign creation stage. There is an option to add non-JET digital platforms on to the campaign, and the creative agency will be notified that copy needs to be distributed to these channels.
- Do I have to resend the campaign details every time there is an amendment made to the campaign?No. If you have already sent the campaign details to the creative agency, all future changes concerning campaign dates, client/brands, spot lengths and station/channel lists are automatically communicated to them.
- Do I have to select the campaign order(s) in the basket before sending the campaign details to the creative/production company?
No. Your campaign must have been selected/saved to the basket, however it does not matter whether orders are selected. As long as at least one communication is ticked you will be able to send the campaign details on.
- Do I need to do anything once the campaign is sent to the creative?No, the process is in the hands of the creative but you can check on the copy status via the status report to keep up to date with developments.
- How do I add a new creative/production agency to the list?
You can do this at the point of creating your campaign or sending your campaign to creative. You can click on the + sign next to the creative/ production agency field and then fill in the details in the pop up box.
- How do I know whether the creative/production agency has received my campaign details?The copy status screen indicates where your campaign is in the copy process. Acknowledgement of the sent campaign details is recorded here.
- How do I know whether the creative/production agency have sent the copy instructions to the stations and traffic teams?
The copy status screen indicates where your campaign is in the copy process. The receipt of the CI (copy instructions) is recorded here.
- How do I send campaign details to the creative/production agency?It is very simple, simply save your campaign to the basket then go to 'Copy Management', 'Send Campaign to Creative'.
- If I send the campaign details to the wrong creative agency but then send it to the correct creative agency, will the wrong creative still be able to access the campaign details?
No, as soon as you've replaced the creative agency with the correct one, the wrong creative will not have any access to the campaign details.
- What happens if I send campaign details to the wrong creative/production?You can send the campaign again to an alternate creative contact. Once your campaign has been saved to the basket, go to 'Send Campaign to Creative', then choose to send again to an alternate contact.
- What happens if the campaign gets cancelled?
The J-ET system will automatically notify the creative agency contacts.
- When do I send the campaign details to the creatives?
You can send the details during the initial campaign creation process, or any time after that via the ‘Manage/Send Campaign to Creative’ screen.
- When I send a campaign to creative/production, what campaign information is sent?
Only campaign header info and station lists are sent over to the creative agency. This includes: campaign title, client/brand, campaign dates, your agency, your name and a finite list of stations i.e Any groups/combos on your campaign are split and listed to station level. Any non-J-ET stations or channels will also be sent to the creative.
- Status Report
- Do I need to do anything once the campaign is sent to the creative?
No, the process is in the hands of the creative but you can check on the copy status via the status report to keep up to date with developments.
- How can I tell if everything is ready before the start of broadcast?
You can view the copy status report to see the current status of a campaign.
- How do I know whether the creative/production agency has received my campaign details?
The copy status screen indicates where your campaign is in the copy process. Acknowledgement of the sent campaign details is recorded here.
- How do I know whether the creative/production agency has sent the copy instructions to the stations and traffic teams?The copy status screen indicates where your campaign is in the copy process. The receipt of CI is recorded here.
- How do I know which campaigns need to be sent to the creative agency?
You can check this by going to the copy status report and select Not Sent to Creative from the status filter and this will display all outstanding campaigns
- Is there a quick way to find campaigns with a particular status?
Yes, the copy status report includes filters which enable you to control the campaigns reported on screen. If you do not have access to J-ET, your salespoint rep can check this for you.
- Is there a way to view how creatives are performing?
When delivered via Audiotrack, the PCA Summary by Creative Treatment screen provides a PCA Summary report split by audio file. This enables users to easily listen to and read the transcriptions, and view script-level metrics.
- What do all the symbols mean?The copy instruction and audio status traffic lights inform you whether you or another party need to do anything to progress the copy process for your campaign. Hovering over a symbol provides a tooltip with more information.
- What does the yellow exclamation mark mean?This alerts you that the copy process is waiting for an action from the salespoint or creative.
- Will I be able to see the copy status of campaigns that my colleagues have been working on?Yes. You'll be able to do so via the copy status report. Just find the name of your colleague in the drop down menu and apply the filters
- Do I need to do anything once the campaign is sent to the creative?
- General
- What is Audiotrack?Audiotrack is an audio distribution service owned by Adwanted UK and Peach and powered by J-ET. Audiotrack allows you to deliver your audio directly to radio stations in the UK & Republic of Ireland and to digital, streaming and podcast platforms. It also provides you with a dashboard to view upcoming campaigns. This dashboard enables you to complete campaign copy instructions, upload audio and view delivery point receipts.
- What is J-ET?J-ET, (JICRIT Electronic Trading), is the UK industry's radio trading and accountability system for commercial radio and its advertising customers. It has been developed with 3 main objectives; delivering single-source post campaign analysis, make radio easier to buy and sell and to increase the share of spend and radio revenue.
- How is Audiotrack different to J-ET?Audiotrack works in tandem with J-ET, making use of the J-ET booking information and CI forms but with the added ability to deliver audio to both linear stations and digital channels and administer your campaigns via a dashboard
- How do I become an Audiotrack Subscriber?Please contact the Audiotrack Helpdesk on 020 7420 3258 or email and the team will be happy to set you up with a login, offer you a demo and talk you through our ratecard.
- How does the copy process benefit my company?
Using this process will help to reduce your admin time and copy queries significantly. Copy instruction documents automatically include campaign details and individual stations (rather than groups and combos) as set up and booked by the buying agency. Further, if copy is also being sent to digital platforms, these can be added directly to the instruction form, prior to sending to all that need to know. Also, subscribing agencies have access to an interface which allows for easy campaign management.
- How does using the electronic Copy Instruction form speed up my admin?The form has been designed to manage multiple scripts, complicated rotations and regional transmission. Instructions are created using the booked campaign data from J-ET including booked stations, campaign airdates and booked copy lengths. Copy queries are greatly reduced due to in built validation. Users also benefit from integration with Radiocentre copy clearance.
- Can we receive campaign information to an alias?
- What if I wish to deliver only to digital channels, like Acast, DAX, Octave or Spotify, that are not traded through J-ET?
Audiotrack includes ‘Direct Campaign’ functionality that allows you to create your own campaign, add any digital channels and create your own CI. This can be found in the menu via your Audiotrack dashboard. If you require a new digital channel, please get in touch and we’ll add them for you.
- What if I wish to deliver only to Republic of Ireland stations that are not traded through J-ET?Audiotrack includes ‘Direct Campaign’ functionality that allows you to create your own campaign, add any ROI stations and create your own CI. This can be found in the menu via your Audiotrack dashboard. If you require a new ROI station, please get in touch and we’ll add them for you.
- CI Form
- Can I add or amend details after the form is sent?
Yes. Audiotrack subscribers can click on the green CI icon via their dashboard and amend the CI. Non-subscribers manage CI amendments by clicking on the link in the campaign email.
- Can I add PRS details to the form?Yes. You can add multiple sets of PRS details per CI form and per script, if you wish.
- Can I reuse RCCsYes. If the RCC has been used within 6 months, you can automatically populate the electronic form with the previous details.
- Can I save the CI forms to my machine?Yes, PDF versions can be saved, but with a login you can always access previous CI forms.
- Do I have to complete the form all in one go?
No you do not. You can continue to save the draft CI until you are ready to send the instructions on to stations, digital channels and salespoints.
- Do I have to re-enter all the information for every script?
No, when you add a new script, you can choose to copy the details from one of the other scripts on the CI form
- Do I have to send the CI more than once if there are multiple scripts for the campaign?
No, one form can be used to send more than one set of script information. Just add a new tab in the Script section for each audio file you are instructing.
- Do I need to physically assign all stations to the script if there is only one script that applies to all stations
No, you don't need to do this. If no stations are assigned to a script, the system will assume that it is to run on all stations. If at least one stations has been assigned to at least one script on the CI, then all stations must be assigned. Validation and message boxes appear to help you with this.
- How do I access archived Copy Instructions?
Audiotrack subscribers can search via their dashboard.
- How does my associated production company upload the audio on my behalf?When you complete the CI form select Audiotrack as the delivery method for the campaign. The production company can log on to their own dedicated interface ( from here they will be able to upload the wav file which will subsequently go through the Audiotrack QC process and be uploaded to your CI form.
- I can’t find the email with the link, is there a way it can be sent to me again?This is not an issue for subscribers as all campaigns can be accessed via the Audiotrack dashboard.
- If different regions are on different scripts will I need to create multiple CI forms?No. The electronic form includes a mechanism to assign specific salespoints, regions, stations and digital channels to specific scripts on the CI form.
- If the campaign changes, how will I know that I have to send out new instructionsThe moment a campaign changes on J-ET, you will receive an email to inform you. If you happen to be in the Copy Instruction form at the time, you will receive an alert in the form itself.
- What do the green symbols mean on the form?The green symbols signify that an amendment has taken place between the current and previous CI versions. These amendments can be performed by the buying agency or salespoints.
- What does the Release to 3rd parties box indicate?By checking this field, it allows your ad to be released to 3rd party sites such as the Radiocentre.
- What happens if I forget to send the CI on to the stations?
Nothing happens until the campaign has 5 or less days before the campaign start date. In the event of this happening, an email alert is sent to remind you that you have to send this on. For CI amendments, an alert will be sent if you have not informed stations of the amendment within 24 hours of receiving it.
- Can I add or amend details after the form is sent?
This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this:
Hi there! I’m a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my website. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like piña coladas. (And gettin’ caught in the rain.)
…or something like this:
Before short tags
audiotrack-number-of-deliveries = 2,730
audiotrack-hours-of-delivered-audio = 655,939
audiotrack-audio-platforms = 1,106
audiotrack-companies-delivering-audio = 342
After short tags
The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing quality doohickeys to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the Gotham community.
As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!