Do I need to physically assign all stations to the script if there is only one script that applies to all stations

No, you don’t need to do this. If no stations are assigned to a script, the system will assume that it is to run on all stations. If at least one stations has been assigned to at least one script on the CI, then all stations must be assigned. Validation and message boxes appear to help you with this.

How do I access archived Copy Instructions?

Audiotrack subscribers can search via their dashboard.

How does my associated production company upload the audio on my behalf?

When you complete the CI form select Audiotrack as the delivery method for the campaign. The production company can log on to their own dedicated interface ( from here they will be able to upload the wav file which will subsequently go through the Audiotrack QC process and be uploaded to your CI form.

I can’t find the email with the link, is there a way it can be sent to me again?

This is not an issue for subscribers as all campaigns can be accessed via the Audiotrack dashboard.

If different regions are on different scripts will I need to create multiple CI forms?

No. The electronic form includes a mechanism to assign specific salespoints, regions, stations and digital channels to specific scripts on the CI form.

If the campaign changes, how will I know that I have to send out new instructions

The moment a campaign changes on J-ET, you will receive an email to inform you. If you happen to be in the Copy Instruction form at the time, you will receive an alert in the form itself.

What do the green symbols mean on the form?

The green symbols signify that an amendment has taken place between the current and previous CI versions. These amendments can be performed by the buying agency or salespoints.

What does the Release to 3rd parties box indicate?

By checking this field, it allows your ad to be released to 3rd party sites such as the Radiocentre.

What happens if I forget to send the CI on to the stations?

Nothing happens until the campaign has 5 or less days before the campaign start date. In the event of this happening, an email alert is sent to remind you that you have to send this on. For CI amendments, an alert will be sent if you have not informed stations of the amendment within 24 hours of receiving it.