Which JCN will I see if Newslink is on the campaign?

Any salespoints airing the Newslink ads will see both the ‘real’ JCNs (beginning with ‘2’) and the ‘dummy’ JCNs (JCNs beginning with ‘5’) clearly indicating which needs to be used.

Why do I need to confirm receipt of the Copy Instruction email?

The process is designed to make the admin process more efficient, which includes a campaign audit trail. Confirming receipt of the CI (copy instructions)helps to build the audit trail.

Why do I sometimes see an amendment CI but the details only say ‘Information only’?

You might see this kind of CI if an amendment has been made to that campaign, but that amendment does not affect any of the stations that you represent.

Will the Copy Instructions display a JCN?

Yes, all electronic and PDF CI documents include a JCN.

Are all CIs archived?

Yes. These can all be accessed via the copy status or summary reports in J-ET.

How do I know whether the agency has started the process by sending the campaign details to the creative agency?

The copy status screen clearly indicates where your campaign is in the copy process. Receipt of the sent campaign details are recorded here.

Is there a quick way to find campaigns with a particular status?

Yes, the copy status report includes filters which enable you to control the campaigns reported on screen. If you do not have access to J-ET, your salespoint rep can check this for you.

What do all the symbols mean?

The copy instruction and audio status traffic lights inform you whether you or another party need to do anything to progress the copy process for your campaign. Hovering over a symbol provides a tooltip with more information.

What does the yellow exclamation mark mean?

This alerts you that the copy process is waiting for an action with the buying agency or creative agency.

What if I have received copy instructions but no copy?

The copy status screen lists contacts details for the buying agency as well as the creative agency. The CI form details which method is being used to distribute the copy. This will help you chase the correct contacts and reduce the time spent on queries. If you do not have access to J-ET, your salespoint rep can check this for you.