The copy status screen indicates where your campaign is in the copy process. The receipt of CI is recorded here.
Category: FAQs
How do I know which campaigns need to be sent to the creative agency?
You can check this by going to the copy status report and select Not Sent to Creative from the status filter and this will display all outstanding campaigns
What do all the symbols mean?
The copy instruction and audio status traffic lights inform you whether you or another party need to do anything to progress the copy process for your campaign. Hovering over a symbol provides a tooltip with more information.
Is there a quick way to find campaigns with a particular status?
Yes, the copy status report includes filters which enable you to control the campaigns reported on screen. If you do not have access to J-ET, your salespoint rep can check this for you.
What does the yellow exclamation mark mean?
This alerts you that the copy process is waiting for an action with the buying agency or creative agency.
What if I have received copy instructions but no copy?
The copy status screen lists contacts details for the buying agency as well as the creative agency. The CI form details which method is being used to distribute the copy. This will help you chase the correct contacts and reduce the time spent on queries. If you do not have access to J-ET, your salespoint rep can check this for you.
Is there a way to view how creatives are performing?
When delivered via Audiotrack, the PCA Summary by Creative Treatment screen provides a PCA Summary report split by audio file. This enables users to easily listen to and read the transcriptions, and view script-level metrics.
Where do I see the Copy Instructions in J-ET?
You can view CIs that exist via the copy status report or via the order summary report in J-ET.
What do all the symbols mean?
The copy instruction and audio status traffic lights inform you whether you or another party need to do anything to progress the copy process for your campaign. Hovering over a symbol provides a tooltip with more information.
What does the yellow exclamation mark mean?
This alerts you that the copy process is waiting for an action from the salespoint or creative.